
Friday, July 24, 2015

Go Keyboard 2015

ကြ်န္ေတာ္ကလည္း ကီးဘုတ္လွလွျကိဳက္သူဆိုေတာ့ ဒီကီးဘုတ္နဲ့အရမ္းအဆင္ေျပတယ္
Icon (14.6MB)
Theme လွလွေလးေတြ (supports many beautiful themes)

Go Keyboard 2015 supports Myanmar fonts now.

 Download Here (14.6MB) 


GO Keyboard is a highly regarded keyboard app for
Android. It was one of the first third-party keyboards
released for the platform, and it has continued to grow and
improve since then.
Two ways to write
GO Keyboard offers two types of writing input: the
traditional tapping on letters, and Swype. This second
method has you slide your finger from one letter to the next
without ever removing it from the screen. Unfortunately,
Swype is not yet fully developed, leaving plenty of room for
Another feature that is improved over the default Android
keyboard is its predictive-text . Though again, this is not
on par with some of GO Keyboard's competition, such as
the all-conquering SwiftKey.
Highly configurable
While not all of its functions are perfect, one area where
GO Keyboard does excel is its customization. You are able
to configure many aspects of this text entry app, including
the language, height of keys, and emoticons. Many of these
additional features must be downloaded separately from
Google Play though, which can be a nuisance.
Very good, but not the best
In short, GO Keyboard is a good keyboard - solid, reliable,
and free. But it is a step behind some of the other big
keyboards for Android.

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